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Latest media coverage of our work
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Latest media coverage of our work
- "Insights into Nursing and Weaning from Whale Teeth New estimate of nursing duration cuts species’ reproductive potential in half" -Psychology Today
- "Study raises more worries about bottlenose whale population off Nova Scotia" -Chronicle Herald
- "Mothers for more than just months: How decades‑old teeth are teaching dal researchers about the lifecycles of bottlenose whales" - Dal News
- "A box of teeth and scientific serendipity unveil the lives of bottlenose whales" - CTV NEWS
- "Researchers decode bottlenose whales' DNA to learn about fragile population" - Chronicle Herald
- "Dozens-of-rare-whales-discovered-in-dangerously-noisy-waters" - Earth Touch News Network
- CBC news article "Rare bottlenose whales discovered off N.L. already in jeopardy"
- Dr. Hal Whitehead speaks to Radio Canada International about the risks of seismic activity to northern bottlenose whales
- Laura Feyrer, PhD candidate speaks to Jamie Fitzpatrick on CBC Radio Newfoundland's the Broadcast
- Sierra Club media release on seismic activity and our discovery of a new population of northern bottlenose whales in Newfoundland